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At Kanha Makhan Public School, we prioritize creating a nurturing and secure emotional and intellectual haven for our students. Our commitment is to instill confidence in each student, empowering them to make choices aligned with their unique talents and passions. We strive to cultivate an environment where their decisions are respected, shielded from unfair judgment, and free from unwarranted scrutiny from those less informed.

Following THE KANHA MAKHAN WAY, we aspire to provide an internationally acclaimed standard of education. Embracing Curiosity-Driven Learning, our school endeavors to transform your child into a curious, confident, and successful learner. Join us on a journey where education transcends boundaries, and each student is encouraged to explore, question, and grow.

 Cognitive Intelligence (CI)       Social Intelligence (SI)
 Emotional Intelligence (EI)       Resilience Quotient (RQ)

The Kanha Makhan Way imparts diverse literacies to enrich your child's learning journey.

 Health Literacy       Technology Literacy       Global Information Literacy       Environmental Literacy        Financial Literacy        Business & Enterprenur Literacy        Civic Literacy

Knowledge extends beyond textbooks, fostering the joy of learning through continuous exploration and understanding.

Pre School


In the preschool program at Kanha Makhan Public School, our focus is on fostering holistic development in children. We emphasize the following key aspects during this crucial early stage:

1.Motor Skills Development:

Our dedicated efforts are directed towards nurturing the development of fine and gross motor skills in each child. Through engaging activities and play, we create an environment that encourages physical exploration and growth.

2.Academic Foundation:

We prioritize the acquisition of foundational knowledge, including numbers, alphabets, and phonics. Our goal is to instill a love for learning and build a strong academic base that will serve as a scaffold for future educational endeavors.

3.Arts and Craft Exposure:

Recognizing the importance of creativity, we provide ample opportunities for artistic expression. Children are encouraged to explore their artistic abilities through various crafts, fostering imagination and self-expression.

4.Socialization and Group Dynamics:

We understand the significance of social skills in a child's overall development. Our approach involves facilitating both individual and group activities, promoting socialization, cooperation, and the development of essential interpersonal skills.



The primary school curriculum at Kanha Makhan Public School has been meticulously crafted with an interdisciplinary approach, aiming to uncover and share connections between different domains and identify patterns within the apparent chaos of knowledge. This thoughtful design seeks to empower students by teaching them to recognize connections and patterns in their surroundings, bridging the gap between real-life experiences and classroom learning.

Students at Kanha Makhan Public School are actively encouraged to engage in continuous observation, question-asking, and deep exploration of concepts. The emphasis is on fostering an inquiry-based approach in the curriculum, empowering each child to evolve into an independent learner.



The middle school curriculum at Kanha Makhan Public School is designed to ensure a seamless transition for students from primary school while fostering their overall development. We prioritize experiential learning and aim to empower students with increasing autonomy during this crucial phase of their education. Our goal is to identify each student's unique potential and build upon their strengths, providing numerous opportunities for deep learning experiences.
At Kanha Makhan Public School, we strive to maintain a well-balanced approach to education. Our students engage in a harmonious blend of academic excellence, artistic expression, and practical skill development. This comprehensive approach is carefully planned to support not only their intellectual growth but also their emotional and social development. We believe in creating an environment where students thrive and are equipped with the skills and knowledge they need for a successful future.



The secondary school curriculum at Kanha Makhan Public School is meticulously designed to facilitate a seamless transition for students from primary education. Our focus in middle school is on fostering experiential learning and nurturing students' autonomy to promote holistic development.
At Kanha Makhan Public School, we are committed to providing numerous opportunities for profound learning experiences. We strive to identify and capitalize on each student's unique potential, building upon their individual strengths. Our approach is to create a balanced environment that integrates academic excellence, artistic expression, and practical skills. This comprehensive approach ensures not only academic growth but also fosters emotional and social development in all our students.
Our goal is to create a nurturing and supportive atmosphere where students can thrive academically while also exploring their creativity and honing practical skills. Kanha Makhan Public School is dedicated to preparing students for a well-rounded future, equipping them with the skills and mindset necessary for success in their academic, personal, and social lives.


 Science       Commerce       Humanities     

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Reach Us

   Sarswati Kund,
  Masani Link Road, Mathura -281001

  +91 7060267202